Friday, December 14, 2007


Sweet, sweet electricity – how I heart you. You warm my home and my cockles. You bring me season one of 24 in all its non-stop suspense. I’ll never stray from you again. No more sleeping in wool socks, sweats, and stocking cap under four blankets. No more blow drying my hair at the office. No more cooking curry by candle light.

Yes, I live in the state with the dubious distinction of holding the record for most Presidential “state of emergency” declarations in one year. We now have firewood for the next millennia. And my refrigerator has never been so clean.

Now, honestly, my husband has risen to the challenge of “ICE STORM 2007” in ways that boggle the mind. Chopping wood, rising in the night to feed the fire, purchasing dry ice and packing the contents of both refrigerators into igloo coolers, cleaning out the refrigerators entirely (yea, even washing the drawers!) and refilling them when the power came back on, insulating our pipes, and so on, and so on. Frankly, I’m flabbergasted. If he keeps this up, I’m going to have to start, you know, doing housework or something. I never thought I’d be a spoiled wife, what with the bumpy (like glass shards!) middle 10 years of our marriage. But I am truly, blissfully spoiled now. I reek of husband indulgence. And I must say it looks good on me!

P.S. Drop by my daughter Rachel's blog and leave her a note. She really wants readers!


Judith said...

Mombo, I am so thankful you have electricity again. I have been praying for you and your family.

Love and God Bless you greatly.

Pam said...

so glad your power is back. If you think about it He never really left you. God that is. :)