I'll take this as a tag since I saw it on BooMama, and most of you don't know me very well, yet.
Accent: Several years of voice lessons have eliminated most of it, but I tend to pick up whatever I hear.
Bible Book that I like: Isaiah, hands down
Chore I don't care for: the one where I have to clean or tidy something
Dog or Cat: Dog of course
Essential Electronics: Computer, Trio 600 Palm/cell phone, TiVo
Favorite Movie: Gone with the Wind
Gold or Silver: Silver
Handbag I Carry Most Often: cheap beige thing I found at Wallyworld that has lots of dividers
Insomnia: I prefer to call it, "I just don't want to miss anything important...ever."
Job Title: Receiver of everyone's life story...anywhere...anytime. That's why I became a counselor. Might as well get paid for what I do all the time anyway.
Kids: 3
Living Arrangements: Husband, aforementioned kids, older sister, 3 dogs, 2 ferrets, and 2 birds in a smallish, older, suburban home until we move to Tulsa.
Most Memorable Moment: realizing I had just become engaged to a man I had met on a blind date, 2 days before. (age 19, still together 23 years later)
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: snooping in my sisters' stuff
Overnight Hospital Stays: first birth, hysterectomy some years later
Phobias: stairs, heights, not realizing my full potential
Quote: "Prayer doesn't change God, it changes me." C.S. Lewis - Shadowlands
Religion: Foursquare, don't worry, it's not weird.
Siblings: 1 brother - my pastor - 11.5 yrs. older, a sister - living with me - 9 yrs. older, a sister - close by - 6.5 yrs. older
Time I Wake Up: 9 am or 10 minutes before my alarm, whichever comes first
Unusual Talent: I can ride a unicycle
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: ooh, where do I begin? This could be a meme all by itself.
Worst Habit: I to do things by myself - it works itself out in procrastination
X-rays: arm - not broken, age 6, foot - broken, age 19 sliding down college bannister, various and a sundry inconclusive, soft tissue problems due to car s since then
Yummy Stuff I Cook: herb encrusted prime rib, chicken fricassee with herb dumplings, chocolate strawberry shortcake, my husband says, "everything"
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Lions - Aslan, natch.